Tuesday 17 April 2012

Easter Time in the Polish Club

For Easter Time all the members of Polish Club gathered together with parents which were also invited to participate in Eater Workshops. After the educative presentation about Polish traditional Eater, the students decided upon the task they are going to do. All of us decided to make ´wydmuszka´ which is an emptied egg decorated with different manner. This time we used colourful threads which we glued to the egg.

The whole work seemed easy but in fact it required patience and precision. All of us worked very hard, and the final results were splendid. We did a great job with help of Polish people who were also invited to participate in workshops, and to guide our work.

I would like to present the footage that we gathered during the workshops to shed some light on how to make the traditional Polish Easter decoration:

1) The first step is to pinch a little hole on both sides of an egg, and to blow the content out of it

2) Than, when the egg is empty and ready to be decorated, it has to be covered with glue for thread to be stuck to the egg:

3) The last step is to precisely glue the thread around the egg:

Some of the students had alternative solutions how to get the thread around the egg:

Final results were outstanding and I would like to thank one more time parents, who visited us, our Polish guests and of course students for extremely nice athmosphere and hard work!


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