Wednesday 16 November 2011

The Polish Club Project

The Polish Club is going to prepare posters showing the most important Polish cities which are going to be displayed at school.

Below I give you details of each city that will be described by our Polish Club members.
The group which prepares the best poster will be given a prize.

The List of Polish Cities with details:

1) Warszawa: Famous Landmarks: the Palace of Science and Culture, the Sigismund's Column, the mermaid statue, Royal Baths Park (with Chopin monument), Copernicus Science Centre, Wilanow Palace, the Old Town

2) Wrocław: Famous Landmarks: the market square, Ostrów Tumski district, Szczytnicki Park, Rotunda of Racławice Panorama, Centennial Hall, dwarfs of Wrocław, Town Hall, Multimedia Fountain, Botanical Garden

3) Kraków: Famous Landmarks: the market square, Wawel Castle, the dragon of Kraków, Altarpiece of Veit Stoss, the trumpet call from St. Mary's Basilica, St. Florian's Gate, Zygmunt Bell, Sukiennice Cloth Hall, Błonia Park, Wieliczka Salt Mine

4) Katowice: Famous Landmarks: Silesian Parliment, Spodek Sports Hall, Cathedral, Nikiszowiec District, coal mines, Silesian Teathre, Silesian Culture and Refreshment Park, Nature Reserve Ochojec, Drapacz Chmur of Katowice (one of the first skyscrapers in Europe), Kościuszki Park and The Parachute Tower, Altus Building, Katowice Rondo


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