Saturday 22 October 2011

Famous Landmarks - answers

Below I present you with the answers for the slide show titled Famous Landmarks. Thanks to all the students for your vigurous participation :)

Pic. 1 England (Stonehenge)

Pic.2 Australia (windsurfing)

Pic. 3 Poland (dumplings)

Pic. 4 England (Big Ben)

Pic. 5 Spain (bull fight)

Pic. 6 Australia (opera in Sydney)

Pic. 7 Poland (national stadium in Warsaw)

Pic. 8 Spain (Sagrada Familia)

Pic. 9 England (tea with milk)

Pic. 10 England/Australia (cricket)

Pic. 11 Spain (paella)

Pic. 12 Poland (The Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw)

Pic. 13 Australia (kangaroo)

Pic. 14 England (Buckingham Palace guards)

Pic. 15 Spain (flamenco dance)

Pic. 16 Poland (folk dancers)

Pic. 17 Australia (Emu boots)

Pic. 18 England (Winchester rifle)

Pic. 19 Spain (ham)

Pic. 20 Australia (Aborigines)


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