Wednesday 26 October 2011

Halloween Tongue Twisters

Below we present you with next exercise that we conducted with 6-graders Halloween Tongue Twisters:

Big Black Bat Blows Bubbles
Slimy Spiders Slide at the Sea Shore
Horrible Horse Haunts Houses
Creepy Crow Keeps Crawling
Dracula Digs Dark Dungeons
Three Witches Watch Two Watches
Ghostly Ghouls Gather on Golf Course

Try not to twist your tongue too much !!

Sunday 23 October 2011

The Polish Club

From November on Mondays (16:30-18:30) 5th and 6th year students will have opportunity to participate in my personal project called the Polish Club which aim is to get accustomed with Polish culture and tradition.

Project outcomes and summary of sessions will be displayed as soon as I will get my ideas galore into practice :)

Saturday 22 October 2011

Famous Landmarks - answers

Below I present you with the answers for the slide show titled Famous Landmarks. Thanks to all the students for your vigurous participation :)

Pic. 1 England (Stonehenge)

Pic.2 Australia (windsurfing)

Pic. 3 Poland (dumplings)

Pic. 4 England (Big Ben)

Pic. 5 Spain (bull fight)

Pic. 6 Australia (opera in Sydney)

Pic. 7 Poland (national stadium in Warsaw)

Pic. 8 Spain (Sagrada Familia)

Pic. 9 England (tea with milk)

Pic. 10 England/Australia (cricket)

Pic. 11 Spain (paella)

Pic. 12 Poland (The Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw)

Pic. 13 Australia (kangaroo)

Pic. 14 England (Buckingham Palace guards)

Pic. 15 Spain (flamenco dance)

Pic. 16 Poland (folk dancers)

Pic. 17 Australia (Emu boots)

Pic. 18 England (Winchester rifle)

Pic. 19 Spain (ham)

Pic. 20 Australia (Aborigines)

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Famous landmarks


Where are these pictures from?
a) Poland
b) Spain
c) Australia
d) England

Activity done with 6th form students.


Monday 17 October 2011

The arrival

Asia arrived last 4th of October 2011 from Poland.

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