Tuesday 20 December 2011


Dear children and families,
we would like to thank you, your great effort that you did in this first term.
On Monday 19th, we had a great experience children invited parents to share some Christmas Carols from Spain, England and Poland.
 After the songs, students presentated their parents posters they did during Polish Club: main cities in Poland and Chritmas Polish traditions.

And finally, we did a nice traditional Polish Christmas card.

You can see some pictures.

                                               Cutting the star.

Writting Merry Christmas in Polish

                                           Wesolych Swiat

Wednesday 14 December 2011


Since Christmas is coming really quickly with all its colourful traditions we, the members of the Polish Club, decided to show our friends how we celebrate Christmas in Poland. We have made three posters presenting traditional Polish Christmas food, traditional Polish Christmas tree decorations and Polish Christmas customs, which are very different from those of Spain.

Tuesday 6 December 2011


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